Hello No One & Why I’m Starting To Blog Again – Nobody Cares!

My Original Intent

My initial intention of starting this blog way back in 2006 was to track my learning of an SEO internship I took in Worthing England http://www.seointern.com/blog/fresh-egg-internship-worthing-england.html with Fresh Egg & Ammon Johns. For starting out with a blank slate I actually can’t complain with the response I received after I started blogging & tracking the things I learned.

Why Did I Stop?

Getting my start within the Internet Marketing world I’ve seen the inner workings of the sales processes that some businesses take & I intentionally chose to take a different route. What I lacked was the vision to fully understand the power in a blog & for just getting your voice out there & organizing your thought for the world to see. I’ve now since seen hundreds of blogs start out with less knowledge & resources than I had & have done extremely well in building themselves as an Authority to their niche.

My journey eventually led me to starting my own consulting firm & doing one off work for PetsBest.com. Which I eventually posted about an experience here: http://www.seointern.com/blog/jack-russell-terrier-raises-conversions.html which eventually become the most traffic post on my blog. Over the year of consulting work I continued to rant on & off, but eventually decided to move out of consulting & launch a passion of mine with Russell Brunson & startup www.CitySmart.com, a daily deal site, which was the first one in the state of Idaho. Starting in 2009 I ran that business for 2 1/2 years and eventually burned my entrepreneurial self to the core. Deciding to give up my 6 figure income, bring my wife home, pay for her law school loans, buy a car, a house & have our first child that 2 1/2 years are the hardest I’ve had at this point, but getting through them I’m not sure I’d trade much. I’ve learned a lot about myself & who I am and what I’m capable of.

Why Am I Picking It Back Up?

I’ve decided to start blogging again for a few reasons: 1. For the fact that I’ve matured a lot & have seen so many success stories from other bloggers. If no one ever reads my blog I’ve decided I’m ok with that. The blogging platform is an easy outlet to essentially document my business career & learning path. I’m a strong advocate of journaling, but have never done so well – so this will easily satisfy that itch. 2. I’ve recently got to know Nathan Barry who lives here in Boise & is only 23 years old & killing it! Blogging & continually producing content has had a tremendous amount of growth over the past few years. He’s also the Author of: http://nathanbarry.com/authority/ It’s again planted the ideas in my head to just start & see where it takes me. In the first few months I’m sure my writing style is going to be extremely bumpy & I’m going to have to work on my consistency in posting, but sooner or later I will arrive. 3. Last of all, my intent for blogging is to ‘Last’. What I mean by that is that I’m currently meeting a lot of people, but the one-off conversations i’m having with them are just that one-off. I’ve had some pretty good testimonials on the content that I have & have helped others in their business see a different course for action. But the issue is that I don’t have any other avenue for them to follow me. I’m not the type to get a lot of friends on Facebook (however I rarely post anything), I don’t publish anything on LinkedIn (most likely will start now), and Twitter (honestly, I’m still trying to understand how I’m going to use it – even though I know it’s strengths.) So here goes!!

Here are a few action Items I have right away that need to be done in order to kick off the 2014 year with a bang!

– Get off of Drupal: Yup, this is embarrassing. This site originally started in Drupal & eventually this platform became a curse word in our office. WordPress is easily the best platform for publishing a blog & honestly I think I’ve held myself off longer because I’ve not wanted to login to Drupal & trudge through the mess. I decided not to make this my first task as I just needed to start (key to everything in life).

– Use a WordPress Theme: In moving to WordPress, I need to find a design that will be suitable for me for Self Promotion.

– Use BJ Wright as branding: I’ll be moving off my original Domain Name www.SEOintern.com as SEO isn’t the main focus of my business anymore. I’ve still got a good amount of Passion for it, but have fallen back in the past few years. When I first looked to purchase www.bjwright.com it was taken, but eventually became available a few years back.

– Waking up early & doing first thing: For consistency I’ve decided that I need to make blogging a priority in my life otherwise it’s never going to happen. I woke up this morning at 3:30 (honestly from a horrible night), and decided to blog, rather than continue rolling around in bed. The key to this, is that I don’t check email first. This has to take precedence to everything else & I need to control what I do first thing in the morning.

– New Laptop: I’ve been having issues with my Mac – what is wrong with computers these days. My first computer I never had any issues with, but have had continual problems over the past 4 years with any computer. This time, they replaced the hard drive just a month ago & it still continues to freeze on me..urgh! It would be nice if the industry were focused on quality products, rather than the continual cycle of buying new products. For a life lesson on this, read ‘Car Guys vs. Bean Counters’ by Bob Lutz.

For the one person who reads this, I apologize! Leave a comment & tell me what you really think 🙂

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