I should have mentioned this earlier, but since I rarely get around to posting more frequently, I just haven’t. For the past 2 1/2 months I have been working with Pets Best Pet Insurance located here in Boise. When I have more time I will have to share some of my thoughts going into a larger corporation than I have …
Where Are The Offline Business Owners?
Almost a month ago I started a thread in Russell Brunson’s Conquer Your Niche forum: Where Are The ‘REAL’ Business Owners? This is a question that I have had for the last few months, and it has really started to bother me. I posted an ad in the forum, then I posted this thread, with little to no response. I …
Do You Understand Your Analytics Reports?
Google Analytics can be a very powerful tool if used correctly. These last few weeks I have been working on a clients website and digging through the stats to only find that their Analytics account wasn’t actually telling me a whole lot about their site, and what the users were doing on their site. I have began evaluating their SEO …
Anatomy Of A Local Business Marketing Success
My little brother moved to Boise around 6 months ago. He was tired of working for someone else and decided to try it alone with a local lawn care business. He came to me and asked if I would help him with the business marketing and financials. So we made the agreement that he would mow all the lawns …
Google Updates Link Schemes Definition
Google has updated their interpretation of a link scheme here. In summary here is what they define it as: Links intended to manipulate PageRank Links to web spammers or bad neighborhoods on the web Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging (”Link to me and I’ll link to you.”) Buying or selling links They are really starting to …
Google Pays You To Do Your Cold Calling
Google recently launched their Google Local Business Referral Program. What this program does is it allows you to contact local businesses and ask them if they would be interested in submitting their business info (such as hours of operation, types of payment accepted, etc.) to Google Maps. As a side note Google would love for you to also talk about …
New Google Analytics Version
This past week Google released their newest Analytics Version. You can sum it all up in these few words: The new dashboard gives you a lot more control on how you see your reports. You can easily view the information that will be effective to your website. Half the battle of the available analytic programs are not only too have …
Google’s Website Optimizer – Now Open To The Public
Google has finally released Web Optimizer to the public: http://services.google.com/websiteoptimizer/ I have been using the beta version of this tool over the last 2 months and have absolutely loved every bit of it. Before optimizers release I used to use a system called Kaizentrack. It was a paid split tester and so complicated that after using it for a short …
Month #1 – Stepping Out On My Own!
This last month I stepped out on my own and started doing SEO full time. With the job that I previously had I was always being dragged into doing projects that I didn’t necessarily enjoy, and it took away time that I would have rather spend studying or actually doing SEO. The main purpose of me stepping out on my …
My 4 Things I Ask Myself Before Doing SEO!
How people find all the time to post as much as they do on their blogs I will never know. I have been really busy lately working on my sites, and wanted to mention a few things that has been going on lately. Recently I have working with a freinds site, he has done some SEO with the site …