Today was a really fun day. I continued, as always, to learn a lot of cool things. At the end of the day Ammon sat down with me and really dug into a few websites and showed me what he thought could improve the website, design, structure, and in the end save them $100’s, if not $1000’s of dollars.
- Client Management- ETM (Easy To Maintain), Lee designed the Content Management System for Fresh Egg. He walked me through the system, showing me how to upload the client details to the ETM.
- What should you be tracking for your clients?- What things are crucial to have within your system, both for you and your clients.
- Using CSS for web design- Does every website need to be using CSS? What are the benefits of using CSS?
- Tables, Javascript, Flash…- Where should they go in your website?- Ammon sat down with me and tore an admirable website apart ( and demonstrated that how they structured their website was costing them money each day. When should you use these and how should they be built into your website?
- Thin Coded Sites vs. Fatter Sites?- Do the spiders get tired of crawling through your messy code? Does is effect your ranking?
- Website Structure– Ammon didn’t just stop in the back office of USAlarm he continued to tear other parts of the website apart.